Monday, January 30, 2017

Nintendo Switches Things Up

This past October the video game company, Nintendo, revealed it's next big console release, the Nintendo Switch,and gamers all over the world were blown away. This new video game system blends at home gaming with portable gaming capabilities by coming with a detachable screen portion that you can take with you on the go. With online multiplayer and the ability to link the portable with up to eight other systems players will be able to connect with each other like never before on a Nintendo system.

This new console brings back the motion controls that have made the Wii and the Wii U such innovative gaming systems. The controller also has two detachable parts that then can be hooked to the portable screen to act as the controller for the portable aspect. This new transforming controller has been one of the main focus points and major sellers for the Switch, and gamers look forward to how the company will make use of these awesome new options.

Nintendo is also bringing back some of their most popular gaming icons of all time in their own brand new adventures including Mario, Zelda, Starfox, and Pokemon which have both older and younger fans excited to get absorbed in all new stories of their favorite characters. Nintendo will also be releasing versions of the best seller Elders Scrolls: Skyrim and a new re-visioning of the classic game Sonic the Hedgehog. The Switch will be family friendly and include a parental control option so parents can keep control of what their children can watch and play.

The Nintendo switch is set to release on March 3rd, 2017 and will cost $299.99 which is reasonably priced compared to the $399.99 Playstation 4 and the $350.00 Xbox One. The pre-orders have already begun with many local retailers already selling through the expected supply. Gamers, kids and adults alike, can hardly wait to get their hands and this amazing new system that is sure to make a big splash in the gaming community. I know I will definitely be one of the ones standing in line March 3rd!