Friday, February 10, 2017

Why We Grind: The Reason We Love Online Video Games

Did you know that of the estimated 1.2 billion people that play video games worldwide, about 700 million play them online with other people. I know what you're thinking, "I had no idea there were so many geeks in the world," but the reality is people who play online games consist of all ages, races, genders, and occupations. So erase that stereotypical image of the single, overweight, unemployed adult dude sporting the spectacles and pigging out on Doritos and Mountain Dew because video games are enjoyed these days by just about everyone. With the ever expanding world of online game play and advances in video game technology people are finding tons of reasons to join the online gaming craze.

  • Competition: Many people love the thrill of being pitted up against their buddies or even complete strangers in which their sole objective is to be the best and win. Whether it be the score in a sports video game, the kill count in a shooter, the one-on-one dueling in a MMORPG, or simply being top on the online leaderboards there is that drive to win. It is the same competitive force people feel playing or watching sports in real life, and the end result can either be the joy of winning or the crushing feeling of defeat, either way it makes the players want to keep at it until they perfect their skills. The same motivation behind the first Olympic Games in Greece can be found in these online games.

  • Socializing: One of the more obvious reasons people love to play online is the opportunity to spend time with friends and family they may not be able to see or talk to often otherwise. It also helps those who may be more introverted and have a hard time socializing face to face find a place of comfort where they can be with people who have the same interests and aren't overwhelmed. People form new bonds and friendships from every corner of the globe and that in itself is an amazing thing.
  • Stress Relief:  Nothing beats coming home after a long day, getting comfortable, plopping down on the sofa, and sharing a bit of fun gaming time with other folks who are looking for the same escape from reality. Though some games can raise stress levels, there are plenty that allow you to kick back, mellow out, and have a good time. The release of dopamine (happy juice) in the brain increases when we are doing something that makes us happy and for many, video games is just the thing to get it flowing.

  • Challenges: Video games are designed to present some level of challenge to the player. These can range from way-to-simple to brain melting hard and sometimes it helps to have a few friends there to help out. This is an excellent way to strengthen teamwork and problem solving skills. When a person or team is able to complete the challenge laid before them they gain that positive feeling of accomplishment, and usually something is given in-game too (new item, character, or level) to give substance to that sweet taste of victory.

In the last few years video games have passed both music and movies as the main source of entertainment. It is amazing how far the video gaming industry has come from it’s early days in the garage of a just few guys, to the neon light arcades of the 80's and 90's, to the booming billion dollar industry it is today. I, personally, have spent hours in the magical worlds and stories games offer as well as forming new friendships and finding that wonderful sense of belonging. It truly is incredible to have such experiences knowing that they weren't possible just 10 years ago. With the recent delve into virtual reality it will be exciting to see what comes next. So power on and press the start button because this game is just beginning.